Saturday, July 18, 2020

108 days left until the election (#4186)

     What is becoming obvious to me is that trump is like a child who is in a constant state of tantrum. He can do this because he is also a child who have no parents to guide him. His one parent bill barr is a like a drunkard who can only stumble after trump with a shovel and his other parent, his conscience, has been eviscerated. The more I think about how Mary Trump described her lump of an uncle donald the more I am inclined to absolutely agree with her. He is so out of control as to normal behavior that he could never find his way back to it regardless of the road maps in front of him. The easy thing to do for him would be to acquiesce on a few important policies to the great societal will but he cannot even do that.
     His baked in behavior is that of a bully and narcissist. He can go no further since he has never pushed himself to be a better person. Unlike the large majority of the many of us who have spent a lifetime growing and learning from our education, experiences, and mistakes. Not trump. He is a solitary figure from his birth and no amount of being cagey with him will ever get him to admit that he isn't the gift to humanity he sees himself as. I am no psychologist nor psychiatrist yet the signs are obvious for all to see to make an educated guess as to his disorder. He cares for nothing that doesn't benefit him and he sees himself as the savior of the world.
     If it weren't for the fact that it is 108 days until the election and 62 days until Minnesota and South Dakota begin their actual early voting in the general election, I might think we would not survive the desperation of trump to hold office. He is now attacking citizens in Portland, Oregon with extrajudicial forces from the border patrol without request. He is making a power move that in all likelihood will fail but at the same time distracts us from the Covid-19 debacle and his betrayal of troops in Afghanistan to russian assassinations to name just a few crisis' that are now ongoing. The tantrums will continue because the republican enablers in the Senate have sold their souls and are without the courage to change.

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