Friday, September 20, 2024

(#5710) Minnesota and South Dakota will have official election ballots today

      It is 46 days until the election and many absentee voters in Minnesota and South Dakota will be officially filling out their ballots. The early voting season has begun. Tomorrow many absentee voters in Mississippi, Vermont, and Virginia likewise will be officially filling out their early ballots. For these folks the casting of their votes on their ballots represents their choices about these two candidates. There is not much the same between the two as they are at polar ends of desires. Like as a priority, between Harris, who is trying to save democracy, and trump, who is trying to turn our democracy into a kingdom for himself. Everything else is important but nowhere near as this one difference between these two.
     When Harris is elected the same foundation from which we all view our futures will remain and although not perfect our view will include all of us as to working on better solutions. It will not be the same with trump. He will take the right of all of us to be part of our government and instead install himself as the sole arbiter of what is right and wrong. He wants to be a king and his goal is to do just that. 248 years of being a democracy will end in America and the rule of a tyrant trump will begin. I and others have been saying this for as long as we have had trump on the political stage but the time for it to actually happen is if this time you give your vote to trump, essentially saying democracy is over.
      With a Harris vote democracy continues. It is that simple. Now you may think this is still embellishment or hyperbole but I say you are being naive. The words of trump are not in a vacuum. They are out there for all to research and understand. I am only going off what trump has said and you would be wise to do the same. Democracy is the greatest form of government ever devised by humankind so anything different like trump wanting to be a king for life and the tyranny that brings, is a step back from enlightenment and into the dark ages. We humans are capable of so much more than restricting ourselves through biases like color, gender, and illogic. Harris will bring out the best in us while trump will shame us and deter us from our true manifest destiny to be the best humans we can be.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

(#5709) Snap out of it! The threat of trump is real!

      This is not your ordinary presidential election. An insurrection was attempted the last time trump was defeated and he was serious then about overthrowing our democracy. He has not changed despite all the normalizing the press gives him to hide his abhorrent behavior. He is a deranged individual who has no regard for anything other than himself. He is a conman who will tell you anything you want to hear either in agreement or as a promise and then forget all about you once you commit to him. He hasn't changed one iota from the guy who fomented the insurrection and then watched it for hours while our Capitol Police were attacked and maimed. His followers were directed to disrupt the transfer of power going on in Congress that shocking day on January 6th, 2020.
     He has now since then been able to dodge his responsibilities for the insurrection through court delays and favorable supreme court decisions from his personally selected justices. So now the last hurdle for him to destroy our democracy comes down to the election on November 5th. We the people will decide if he gets to sit on a thrown from which he will not leave until his demise or we elect a true representative for all of us who will honor democratic values and the rule of law. This isn't that hard to figure out folks. One is a wannabe gangster who would be a king of America, and the other is a humble, whip smart, joyous soul who would tirelessly make people like trump answer for their actions.
     If you believe at all in democracy then you have one choice, Harris If you believe in tyranny then you have one choice, trump. My personal opinion is that my foreparents fought and died for democracy and I won't sully their reputation by voting for a man who would dismiss their sacrifice so that he can become a king. I won't do that! I expect that a large majority of we Americans will stand on the side of democracy and denounce the wannabe king trump. Tearing down our governmental institutions, that have served the majority of us well, especially for the working middle poor class to improve ourselves for a better future is nonsensical and self defeating. Which is why a vote for Harris is the only logical and commonsensical thing to do!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

(#5708) No let up against trump

      47 days and some hours until the election. tomorrow Minnesota and South Dakota begin their early voting and the day after tomorrow Mississippi, Vermont, and Virginia begin their early voting. We are at the cusp of casting votes so there is no time for lollygagging about when so much is at stake. I cannot reiterate this enough just how important it is to our collective futures the jeopardy that democracy is in. With a trump victory the history of our nation will change. We will no longer be a nation of one person one vote. We have already been told by trump that we will never have to vote again because there will be no need. He wants to be our dictator as he has plainly made clear.
     If elected he will become like his personal heroes, a tyrant with unlimited power to demand others obey him with force when needed. He is a deranged individual with a narcissistic complex that towers over all his other traits. He is also unrestrained in his personal behavior so much so that the rules of decency and honor are only for fools, not for him and his privileged bootlickers. Which is why we must be vigilant in our countdown to the election. He will do or say anything that gives him an edge wherever he can see an opportunity. So us being on top of his every action is critical to calling it out or stamping it out as we are able.
     Our democratic candidate is a solid forward looking candidate who is all in to save our democracy. There is enough there to kindle a resurgence toward enthusiasm for her that is welcome at this moment in time. This enthusiasm is needed as all of us have to get on the same page and not only elect our candidate but to elect our down ballot candidates as well. We need to get things done from the get go so giving soon to be President Harris a Congress of democratic majorities and state legislatures is crucial to shoring up our democracy while giving all of us citizens the opportunity to pursue our own dreams without doing harm. The fact that trump is such a threat though should be on our minds constantly as we approach our voting day.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

(#5707) Even though trump can distract, he can't change who he is

      We know the trump playbook. When the news cycle is not in his favor he manufactures an event to change the news cycle in hopes of gaining a positive advantage. He is not catching anyone unawares with his ploys. We know who he is and that in itself is enough to keep us centered about anything the news cycle creates. He is still the worst of what a human can be and nothing yet has changed that. He is so enamored of himself that there is little room for anything else in his head. He lives in a fantasy world where he is always the star and everyone else is a second rate actor. Occasionally he is reminded by his master putin that he is beholden to him but that still doesn't dissuade trump from dreaming of his own crown someday soon.
     So let the news cycle change as the media is like a puppet, easily maneuvered by pulling their strings. But those of us who are not amused nor happy about the media we know who trump is and no amount of change of narrative will ever change that. He is not our choice for president, Kamala Harris is. She fights for us not against us. She fights for our democracy and he doesn't. She wants all of us to pursue our dreams while doing no harm and he is the exact opposite. The fundamentals of life are being protected with Harris while the fundamentals of life are being disintegrated by trump. There really is very little overlap in policies with these two candidates so being confused by anything trump tries to manufacture in disrupting the news cycle is fruitless.
     With 48 days left until the general election for all states to vote, there is no surprise big enough to sway us from our mission to elect as the 47th president of the United States, Kamala Harris. We know the media has failed us in that they do not call out trump's insurrection less than 4 years ago. They do not call out his agenda to make himself king of America, while disposing of our democracy and our one person one vote. They have utterly failed to tell the truth of what a trump presidency would do to the working middle poor class. So regardless of what happens in the news cycle the rest of us thinking Americans are just biding our time until we can fill out our ballots and have our votes counted for Kamala Harris.

Monday, September 16, 2024

(#5706) The dictators who back trump are all in to make him win the presidency

      Me even writing this seems flabbergasting. That a candidate for the American presidency is relying on and beholden to the worst dictators in the world is heretofore unheard of. This is beyond surreal it is a blatant attempt by an American citizen to overthrow democracy and install a puppet government backed by putin and his cohorts. That this race is even happening with trump as a candidate is mind blowing to me because he is such a vile decrepit individual. Yet the republican party has overlooked all his nefarious motives so that they can hope to share power with him. What the republican party does not understand is that they are just a vessel for him to attain what he wants, tyranny.
     The dictators around the world from putin to xi to un to maduro, they know that trump is their best bet at surviving and increasing their ambitions. Without trump, these dictators know that Harris will make them slither away and crawl back under their rocks. If they are lucky enough to survive the actions of democracy that will be coming their way. With trump, he will halt the forces of democracy and withdraw attempts to stop the tyrants from moving forward with their conquering ambitions. With 49 days left in this election the effort by these dictators to help trump win will increase to a level that is beyond desperation for them. They know that if trump fails to win in November they will likely find that they also will fail in the months and years ahead.
     With a Harris victory, trump and his dictator allies will again be forced to face the overpowering destiny of democracy. Our world is in need of democracy wherever tyranny is currently oppressing people. We who stand on the footing of democracy are not going to sit back and watch dictators manipulate our votes nor our will to succeed. We already have all the information we need for deciding what to do when our ballots come available and the effort by trump and his dictator backers to maneuver us to change our position is folly. The die has been cast in this election and although we democrats will not quit working to gain even more voters to protect democracy our resolve to keep it is beyond their ability to rip it from our even more greater clutching grip!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

(#5705) Keep chipping away at trump's base

      I know it will not be a real successful attempt trying to get trump's base away from him but the edges of his base are worth fighting for. There is no way to get at the core of his base because trump cannot do anything wrong. They are so ingrained into how he thinks and acts that no logic, nor common sense will ever work to pry them away from voting for him. So the edges of his core where those who are not so woven into the fabric of his storytelling bubble are vulnerable to attempts at convincing otherwise. I feel like anyone who actually uses logic will be easier to convince about the foolishness of supporting him so the outer edges of his bubble are prime for aiming at.
     He seems consistently at around 45% of the voting electorate and chipping that down toward 40% would make a huge difference in the voting for not only the presidency but for control of Congress and state legislatures. There are 52 days left to attract the independent voters who lean right with arguments that hit them where they live. Pocketbook issues have always been an incentive to attract as well as social issues that balance law and order with protecting rights. The full gamut of ideas posed to attract the edges of trump's leaning voters is what we must analyze if we are to give democrats the best outcome in this coming election. We are hammering home trump's inability to be rational about all things and that helps with those edge voters but we need to do more.
     I would appeal to saving our democracy but it seems that the trump edge voters don't see that as an issue. Somehow giving away democracy is not as fearful to them. Which gives us an indication of the mindset they are presenting. They are more concerned about themselves and that has to be our focus for them if we are to sway them off the edges of voting for trump and onto the edges of voting for Harris. I know that Harris is working to attract them as her campaign has been all in for all Americans. But finding the trigger that gets them to move from the edges of trump to the edges of Harris is still not as clear as we need it to be if we are going to get trump down to or near 40%. 50 days left until the election so minds need to coalesce around whatever attractive solutions we can have for them.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

(#5704) Fighting against democracy is a fight against freedom

      There is no room in our democracy for inequality. None! We are in a battle right now to eliminate the last vestiges of inequality and that is our good fight. We hold to the principle that our union is in a constant state of perfecting itself. Moving toward the time when there is protected equality for all. There are other forces out there that do not believe in equality. They would rather divide our democracy and then replace it with some form of forced rule that demands a hierarchy that gives some more than others because of some biased point of view. These are the ones we are fighting against. They do not believe we are all born equal. They think they deserve more than others based upon some kind of gender/race privilege.
     So those who support the current republican party and plan to vote for their nominee are the ones we are fighting against. Many within the republican party are not our enemy but instead are misplaced and misguided by illogic. The forces that control narratives that support republicans are strong and convincing. So those we need to show care for in our attempts to express the importance of maintaining democracy. However there is a subset of republican voters who have decided to wear the crown of hatred and cruelty. They are the ones who need less mercy when we confront them. They have within themselves lost their humanity and instead have replaced it with a brutishness that is vile and dangerous. For those we need to be especially wary of and act appropriately when in their presence.
     We who fight for the equality and freedom that democracy demands, are left with the challenge of protecting and inspiring democracy everywhere it seeks to establish itself. Whether domestically such as what we are going through in this current election or overseas where others are also striving to attain such a magnificent form of government. We the people is more than a slogan, it is who we are. We determine our futures together and unite to protect that right to govern ourselves. We are not beholden to the whims of tyrants and strongmen who are more psychotic than human. Our democracy is precious and trying to take it from us is a mistake for those who would try. The values of equality, freedom, justice, and fairness are what makes our democracy so strong so beware those who cannot find it within themselves to help us protect it.

Friday, September 13, 2024

(#5703) trump still has no answer for Harris

      President Joe Biden was magnificent in his timing to have himself replaced on the Democratic ticket. He waited until the republicans had their earlier convention, then without a doubt heralded Vice President Kamala Harris as his unequivocal replacement. What this did was coalesce Democratic support for Harris almost immediately and the momentum has been reinforcing and growing ever since. As such trump was caught with his metaphorical pants down. What trump thought was that Biden was going to be the nominee and trump strategists had a battle plan to disparage Biden all the way to the election of himself as the president. But instead, trump and his allies have yet to figure out a battle plan against Harris who is evidently without any faults for trump to capitalize on.
     Furthermore Harris is not silent on trump. As trump had used Biden as a bit of a punching bag, he is unable to do the same to Harris. She actually gives more than trump can take so his attacks on her hurt him in ways he is unfamiliar with in how to defend against. She reminds me of ex President Barack Obama in how he was able to chastise trump while being dignified about it. Make no mistake about the way Harris, who speaks directly and thoroughly with facts and truths about him, is to the point and pulls no punches. She understands the necessity of forcing facts and truths to the forefront otherwise those facts and truths are left unexpressed and unaddressed.
     Some early mail in voting ballots have already been received by our electorate so as trump remains clueless in how to defend himself against Harris, votes are being cast. The time is almost over for trump and while he is still technically in this race it is not because he has any momentum. In fact Harris has the momentum and in all likelihood is better positioned to overwhelm trump in this election unless he can find some way to turn the tide coming in at him back at Harris. With 53 days left until election day, the time is short while trump is still floundering. All this adds up to is an advantage for Harris to keep applying pressure with get out the vote organizing and unending rallies to keep her faithful fully engaged. As trump is stupefied at this juncture, the moment keeps slipping further and further away from him.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

(#5702) The day is brighter

      Since the debate on Tuesday evening I have had a refreshing of my soul. I am no longer in any doubt as to who will win our presidency on November 5th. Vice President Harris is the clear leader and with only 8 days until the first states start their early voting the time for anything of any consequence to happen has narrowed down to little. The monthly jobs report came in at the beginning of the month and it was steady. The debate took place and it was a Harris triumph so that is behind us now. The inflation rate is at 2.5% which is a victory for the Biden/Harris economic agenda. All told the factors that could have swayed this race for president into less certainty did not happen.
     The comfort I am feeling over the health of our democracy is increasing. That in itself is enough to make me see the world as a desire and not a drudgery. But what will happen for Ukraine is now a positive in my mind since the torch of protecting Ukraine is passing from current President Biden to his successor Kamala Harris. It is not a certainty for sure but it is more likely than not especially since none of us Harris supporters are taking anything for granted. We are steadfast in our focus over these last 54 days until the general election for all 50 states commences. But knowing that we have passed some major hurdles in this race gives us pause enough to catch our breath and feel good even if for just a moment.
     I see what the aftermath of the debate did to cretin republican candidate and it is something to behold. He has gone from his arrogant boastful self to a quivering shell of a demented soul. He makes little sense as it seems Vice President Harris has ripped from him the last vestiges of his confidence. She cleaned his clock so to speak at the debate and he no longer commands the attention with any wisdom or insight. He is exposed as a charlatan of confusion and self importance with no further pathway to fool anyone beyond his base. His only chance was to win the debate and he perfectly squandered that. As the days wind down until the election my soul is well and so is my attitude toward our American experiment continuing with no further terrifying interruptions from a crumbling desolate soul.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

(#5701) Democracy triumphed at the debate last night

      I must admit, we who love democracy to our cores were feeling a bit anxious about the outcome of the debate last night. The reason being so much was at stake for just one debate in the moment. I have always perceived democracy as the greatest form of species rule to have ever been imagined and implemented. So for a 90 minute debate between our defender of democracy and a cretin who would be king, not knowing the outcome was at least uneasy for me. I was confident in our defender but not sure how the cretin wanna be king would undermine logic and common sense to spoil things.
     But our defender, Vice President Harris, was head and shoulders above the cretin so much so that she made him uneasy and anxious from the very first moment. Any tricks or bad manners on his part were nullified by her attention to detail and the thrust of her comments about him. The debate was maneuvered by Harris toward policy and not toward his lies and bullying. On policy we Democrats are on the correct side of history. So as she tallied the tasks ahead of us with resolve to change for the better, he got lost in the weeds of defending himself with absurdity. It was a unique outcome that few thought Harris could transform but transform she did with almost flawless technique.
     I slept well last night knowing that for at least another day our democracy is thriving instead of in the throes of dying. That was the point last night. Harris is about bringing even more to our democracy and the cretin is about ending our democracy. Democracy won last night! With 55 days left until election day and 9 days until Minnesota and South Dakota start their early voting, the outcome of this debate was crucial within this time frame. As an added bonus, last night Taylor Swift announced her endorsement of Vice President Harris and this morning Caitlin Clark did the same. Two very strong powerful young women celebrities who will bring with them their followers by the droves. Democracy won last night and is still winning today!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

(#5700) Big moment this evening

      This time in space for me is surreal. We are actually talking about an election with a criminal and a prosecutor. With the outcome still in doubt by many. It is insane to me that this is even happening, much like a nightmare, yet it is. The republican party is to blame for this since they have protected their criminal from more serious harm by manipulating and ignoring reality. For some demented reason they felt that their criminal was a better candidate than any other they had. Which for me is not surreal in that I have always felt that the republican party could only attract the worst types of human beings into its ideology.
     The republican party is more attuned to those who have no empathy, no ability to accept fault, nor the capacity to change when presented with logical facts. They tend toward psychopathy instead of compassion. They don't see everyone as equal, which is the evidence for their inherent racism by proxy. They can explain away their disregard for equality with a formula of bias and prejudice wrapped around a cross and a flag. There is no changing of their minds since they have no other way of thinking. So tonight when logic is used to define policies there won't be many republicans who will be able to follow. They have their talking points and that is all they need. We democrats are not like that and will nuance all manner of changes in analysis into our calculations.
     What I suspect the debate will hinge on is behavior. The republican will showcase his bully aspects and attempt to make the democrat cower to him. That is his goal for the evening and if he gets it he may well put his stamp on this election. If he doesn't then the democrat will have a free run to the end with the republican unable to prove he is king making material. The logic of policy will be on display but the reactions of the candidates will likely dictate the outcome, not their intellectual conclusions. It is a sad state that we find ourselves in where the hunger games is the test not the best interests of all Americans.

Monday, September 9, 2024

(#5699) We need a public forum twitter/facebook type communication option

      The idea that capitalism is the end all for everything is ridiculous. Free speech is more important than the platform's ability to control and monetize our words to each other. In a public forum where we are free from the subjectivity of private ownerships who wish to alienate anything that isn't of their personal point of view we can discuss and evaluate our ideas without incoherent censorship. I blame most of this on the owners of the platforms twitter and facebook because they are trying in their way to sway people to their point of view through blocking free speech in the guise of some algorithm that they say protects free speech. I call bullshit in that obstructing differing opinions on subjects is not protecting free speech!
     The ideal of free interchange of ideas and opinions is what makes up the essence of our democracy. We the people can only best guide our nation forward when we have that free interchange with each other that is not maneuvered and manipulated by those who would restrict we the people to favor their own misguided approach of them knowing better than we the people. Democracy will survive but only if we keep the tyrannical from denying our right to speak to each other. Internet platforms of speech for communication of ideas is a national right that should be left out of the hands of the private industry. We need a public only platform that is not guided by individuals who have other designs on our speech.
     I would rather we use the Internet much like we used public libraries in the past. A place where we can go to have discourse and enlightenment to our betterment. The laws that govern free speech would still be in effect but what we would be freed from are the constant illogical arbitrary decisions by the private platform owners who deem themselves the filter through which our free speech may travel. I wouldn't trust any one or more billionaire(s) to define my rights with their uneven grasp of reality. Most of us are not billionaires thus our perspectives are much more earthy than their privileged bubble. We need a public Internet speech platform that enhances dialogue instead of trying to control it!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

(#5698) Quit blaming the poor for how the wealthy make them poor!

      I still run across folks who seem to think the poor are trying too hard to live above their means. In essence they are saying to the poor live within your means. I look at that and shake my head. Generally the poor are good people who live in a world where their efforts bring them little while the cost of things are much. So they are in a constant state of struggle to not only provide basic necessities, of which they can never provide even that sufficiently, while trying to give their children more opportunity through getting them enough technology or in style clothing to hopefully allow them to advance beyond poverty. Those who look at the poor and say why do you have a nice thing when you have no food?
     Mostly because if we didn't do something nice for ourselves once in a while our minds would go deeper into depression like attitudes. The poor are mainly poor because the wealthy prefer to hoard the wealth to themselves. I say it must be easy to pick on the poor for wanting something nice in their lives than to pick on the wealthy who are causing the poor to remain poor. I see that dishonesty in approach and it disgusts me. There is no logical purpose for the wealthy to keep greedily yearning for more wealth when the majority of people on our planet are poor. How the wealthy can disconnect from this fact and do little to nothing to change it is really outside my ability to reconcile logically or ethically.
     In a more perfect world we all would be focusing on people and how people need to exist instead of on ourselves and how we lust for more than we need. I say lust because it seems there is an insatiable desire for more wealth by the wealthy. Look at the ones who support the republican party. They are the wealthy who are looking for more tax breaks even though they could never spend their wealth now in their lifetimes. What kind of allure other than lust could do that to a human being? All the while the poor are in a day to day struggle to have basic necessities and an occasional trinket of happiness. This existence where the wealthy hoard and the majority of poor suffer is bad enough without someone saying that the poor should live within their means and then scoff at them when they step outside their means for a moment of not feeling the shame of not having enough!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

(#5697) It is wonderful being around people who do good things

      This is what life is all about for me now anyway. Being around good people accomplishing things we will always be proud of. Not just for ourselves either. When things can be done for ourselves that overlap into things that positively affect others then it is doubly satisfying. I am no extrovert, because I am well satisfied being in the background where I can be at ease but also ready to join in when the need arises. Kind of like a reserve who is prepared for many things. So when my day has all kinds of activities that are getting taken care of then is when I know my life is good and those around me get to share in that good.
     I have some selfish bones in my body and if they are recognized for any guilt, then I make sure that the selfish within me does not get to produce an outcome. Instead I stifle that selfishness and figure a different way to make that selfish feeling into a selfless one. I am only a human being so evolving from the antiquity of our formative survival instincts toward being a modern wise man takes a process that needs to be streamlined and efficient. In no universe am I perfect but I am working on myself to be as perfect in my thoughts and actions as I am able to be honorable, ethical, and logical. Being around good people who are like minded in being selfless and giving is an antidote I covet in traveling that journey of always working on being more perfect, than imperfect and disappointing.
     We used to call the beginning of our work journey's the rat race. Not a nice definition but often it seemed just that. Scurrying along in a maze trying to get ahead and losing ourselves in that endeavor. I haven't had that desire nor will I ever. I was one who was comfortable being just me and surviving to help others when possible. I had no desire for accolade or ambition at all costs. I wanted to take care of myself and when able give help to others. My life has followed that form and as I am now in the last year of my sixties I feel grateful for my approach. I am not burdened by whatever it would have took to achieve a lesser goal in my mind. I am content with a happiness that keeps finding my face when that smile of mine appears. :)

Friday, September 6, 2024

(#5696) Who is better than democrats at the economy? No one!

      During the four years trump was our appointed president he lost around 2.7 million jobs total over his four years. The Biden/Harris administration so far in less than 4 years has already created around 16 million jobs. The unemployment rate has been down for the last 2 years at about 4%. To think that the media is not slamming trump for claiming he had the best economy during his time as president as a bald faced lie. Yet the media is unable to fact check him on his claims. Well here are my fact check links:
     The trump claim that he is an economic wizard is belied by the fact that he himself had filed for bankruptcy 6 times previously. It doesn't take a genius to realize that trump is a boastful man about things that are not true if it makes him look good. We have seen it over and over. His propensity to brag about things that others do as his own is also well documented. Why the national media continues to give him a pass on his absurd lies and claims is telling and does more than suggest that they are all in for him to win the presidency even if they must cover up his disingenuous statements and outright lies.
     But the national media saide for now, let us focus on the actual economic policies trump has enacted. Oh wait, there is only one and that was tax cuts for the wealthy. The old failed trickle down concept that for the last more than forty years has proven to be a failed policy. Very little trickles down from the wealthy as they hoard more wealth than they will ever need while the rest of us are getting poorer and poorer. We democrats believe that the economy will expand from the center out and the bottom up, Not from the top down! The more we hammer home this point the less the propaganda of republican talking points, about their false narrative of them being good at the economy, will survive.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

(#5695) This could well be a blue wave election of enormous size

      After the cautionary tale of the 2016 election it is absurd to think that anyone knows what is coming in this election. Yet the tide has turned toward Vice President Harris in a remarkable way. Independents and even republicans are heralding her as the best choice. I don't hear any democrats doing the same for trump. Kamala Harris has already reinvigorated the entire democratic base and is now adding to it with independents and republicans who wish to see the end of trump from our politics. Those who are not democrats realize the danger of trump, inserting himself with a win, as a dictator. This is not an embellished opinion. It is based upon his own words.
     So instead of following along party lines, a lot of republicans are either going to not vote or to vote for Harris. With independents it is the same. They want some sanity in our politics and they are seeing first hand that trump is not that option. Everytime trump has some kind of press conference or rally the words are always similar in tone and effect. He hates that Harris is now more favored to win the presidency than he is and his ad hominems aimed at her are getting more vicious. He does not offer policies with details only generalized statements that are subject to reversal given his mood and the nature of the political moment. he is a wavering candidate who has little to offer but bombast and accusation.
     All the above factors play into the narrative that voters are really getting or are already tired of his act. His moment has passed and yet he hangs on with a desperation that is coming full circle. His run for the presidency is a way for him to delay his coming sentencing for his guilt in crimes he was adjudicated and found to be committed by a jury of his peers. With Harris there is no corruptible past to consider. She is a model of respect for the process of law and order. With trump there is the opposite. A model for what corruption and disregard for the rule of law looks like. The end of this campaign for president is nearing and the votes will begin to come in shortly. What we may well find is an avalanche of a blue wave for Harris and a reckoning awaiting trump for his self serving choices.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

(#5694) If you defend republicans you lose me

      I have one simple rule. If you even try to defend republican politics to me I will leave. I have zero time for arguing with anyone the depravity that is republican politics. First most all of it divides us. From the those people, women aren't equal to men, or the illegals, to the blacks, and so on I have no time for any conversation with those clauses in it. We are all in this together, yes even those who are seeking asylum. Our broken immigration system could have had a real good start at a fix but trump convinced the republican Senate that they needed to vote against the border bill they co-authored so trump could have a broken immigration system to blame on democrats for an election wedge issue.
     Think about that for a moment. Much like nixon keeping the Vietnam War going so he could have an issue to campaign on against the democrats in 1968. The same strategy for trump now. Keep the border as an issue and blame democrats for not fixing it. The worst of this is trump and his nefarious motive, but not far behind are the people who vote for him who do not see his subversive acts. They seem oblivious to reality and those are his base. I am an American yet I feel out of place when I use knowledge, facts, and truths, to conclude what is going on. It is like I need to just go along with the loudest most dishonest person to fit in. Well I am not that guy and neither should anyone else be.
    As a person I value who I have evolved into. Yes, my earlier self was not as well informed as I am now. But I have always been able to spot the bafflement of bullshit that republicans attempt to pass off as persuasive. Which has kept me secure as a democratic voter. Sure we democrats are not pitch perfect nor will we ever be. But our differences or wrongdoings are infinitesimal compared to the hourly conjuring of lies and absurdities that the republican party is trying to fill our minds with. My gut tells me that republicans as a political party are irredeemable. They are incapable of being honest and will continue to be corruptible. Which I imagine that others who are like me discern as well. So don't tell me that republicans are on the correct side of history because you will lose me for for that illogical lie.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

(#5693) Democracy vs tyranny

      The world is on fire right now with tyranny trying to hold onto its last hope of world domination. It is in the throes of death and wants to take all who are weak with it. For the world leader of tyranny, vladimir putin of Russia, this is his last stand. He needs to make it to the American election on November 5th to see if he will get a reprieve from his awaiting fate. We see the attempt by putin to ignore democracy, the rule of law, and how we in the world cordially interact. Yesterday he went to Mongolia, which is a signatory to a International Criminal Court pact that should have arrested putin. But it was ignored. Mongolia thus becomes another player in the tyranny playpen that is defying the rule of law.
     This is putin's plan. Ignore the rule of law and make up his own rules. sound familiar? Much like his servant trump in America who is trying with all his corrupted might to retake the presidency. Meanwhile in Venezuela the incumbent president maduro has defied his country's demand that he produce the election results that show his claim that he won. Instead he is not, in the face of overwhelming evidence he lost in a landslide. He too is hoping to defy law and order and is thus another player in the tyranny playpen that would upset the rule of law and displace democracy with autocracy.
     If putin can hang on and somehow get trump elected he knows that the international community will begin to fracture without America to ally with. That trump will cut ties with NATO and European allies is a given so putin is betting that trump, his servant, will come to his rescue just in time to save him from utter defeat to Ukraine and the wrath of his own Russian people. This coming election is truly about the future of America and the world at large. This election is about our reality to be free from tyrants like putin who would give other budding tyrants around the world the lust of domination over their people like putin has over his. This is also the dream of trump, to crown himself king and rule like he is the master and the rest of us are peasants. Make sure you understand what is at stake in this coming election and vote for your democracy that your foreparents fought so valiantly to procure!

Monday, September 2, 2024

(#5692) This election is about democracy, nothing greater!

      The national press is still behind trump by not exposing his insurrection and anti democracy statements. They are silent on these grave matters even though the national media knows that if it were Harris who said what trump has said they would never stop hounding her over it as would be correct. It is clear that we Americans cannot rely on the national media for information that is vital to keeping our democracy. They seem to think they can parlay their allegiance to trump into something greater than what democracy affords them. Well they should be aware that trump has no allegiance to anything other than his own criminal activity so as soon as he uses up the national media for his gain he will dump them like so many others before them.
     We the people on the other hand need to remember what we already know, that trump is a scoundrel who will take our rights away so that he can become a king of America. Just knowing that is not enough it seems though. We have to ask ourselves if we really want our democracy. If we believe that all human beings are free individuals who are under the same jurisdiction of laws. Do we accept that the size, shape, color, and individuality of us is our right and greater than how any one group of people perceive us? Do we believe in democracy and are we willing to place that hallowed societal ideal above all others?
     This is the question every citizen must ask themselves, "do we believe in democracy?" Once answered then you will know which candidate to vote for. Vice President Harris is about defending democracy and spreading it out into the world everywhere possible. The republican party and trump in particular are about diminishing democracy so much that we won't need to ever have another vote again. The republican party is not about giving equal rights to everyone like we democrats as is clearly evident. Instead they are about taking rights away and forcing the majority of the working middle poor class into a peasant class where ruler trump can dictate what little bit of happiness anyone can have.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

(#5691) The working middle poor class, that is who America is!

      The wealthy have made sure that they are a class all unto their own. Their rules of exclusion and obstruction keeps their class of people limited to a small percentage of people. Meanwhile we the working middle poor class have nowhere to go but within our current parameters of struggle and unease. We keep adding to our ranks because the wealthy want it all for themselves and leave behind the great equalizer of fair competition. Our democracy in principle demands fair competition for all but not in practicality. The wealthy, who have been given tremendous influence through the political arm of the wealthy, the republican party, are against sharing the dream of American democracy.
     Here is the thing with the republican party being the front for the wealthy. They trot out their candidates who are just the carnival barkers and yes men of the wealthy who want power and riches beyond any ideal of fairness, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for all. They like being the center of attention which is why they have forsaken democracy for what is now in the open a autocratic form of government that gives them unlimited power and control. These yes men for the wealthy will say, or do, almost anything to take what is ours and make it into theirs. They have no conscious about guilt or remorse, they only have an agenda to succeed at what their wealthy handlers demand.
     I keep thinking about that image of a table top where the wealthy have all their life game chips on top of but when you look at what is holding up the table you see nothing but working people. When we the working people decide to tip the table over and scramble all the chips of the wealthy off the table is when we will have realized our power. We the working middle poor class are not only the strength and conviction of our nation but we are the stewards of it as well. We, at this particular time in the history of our democracy, must make a stand to defend it and evolve it more toward a perfect union, and not toward a chess game for the wealthy who use us as the sacrificial pawns in their corruptible self induced strategies.