Tuesday, September 3, 2024

(#5693) Democracy vs tyranny

      The world is on fire right now with tyranny trying to hold onto its last hope of world domination. It is in the throes of death and wants to take all who are weak with it. For the world leader of tyranny, vladimir putin of Russia, this is his last stand. He needs to make it to the American election on November 5th to see if he will get a reprieve from his awaiting fate. We see the attempt by putin to ignore democracy, the rule of law, and how we in the world cordially interact. Yesterday he went to Mongolia, which is a signatory to a International Criminal Court pact that should have arrested putin. But it was ignored. Mongolia thus becomes another player in the tyranny playpen that is defying the rule of law.
     This is putin's plan. Ignore the rule of law and make up his own rules. sound familiar? Much like his servant trump in America who is trying with all his corrupted might to retake the presidency. Meanwhile in Venezuela the incumbent president maduro has defied his country's demand that he produce the election results that show his claim that he won. Instead he is not, in the face of overwhelming evidence he lost in a landslide. He too is hoping to defy law and order and is thus another player in the tyranny playpen that would upset the rule of law and displace democracy with autocracy.
     If putin can hang on and somehow get trump elected he knows that the international community will begin to fracture without America to ally with. That trump will cut ties with NATO and European allies is a given so putin is betting that trump, his servant, will come to his rescue just in time to save him from utter defeat to Ukraine and the wrath of his own Russian people. This coming election is truly about the future of America and the world at large. This election is about our reality to be free from tyrants like putin who would give other budding tyrants around the world the lust of domination over their people like putin has over his. This is also the dream of trump, to crown himself king and rule like he is the master and the rest of us are peasants. Make sure you understand what is at stake in this coming election and vote for your democracy that your foreparents fought so valiantly to procure!

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