Thursday, September 26, 2024

(#5716) America is going through an IQ test with this election

      It is an IQ test but the two participants who we are testing against couldn't be any more different. One is a woman who is intelligent and accomplished, while the other is a silver spooned business failure who is more dumb than a rock than not. Yet the media would have us believe that the contest for the presidency is close and too hard to call. This is where the IQ test is needed. First many national media outlets have a narrative that assumes our electorate are low IQ. They give us "news" that shows a close race to test us as to cause us to reevaluate our own senses about we we can see and hear on our own. That reevaluating is our electorates first test. Do we dismiss our own knowledge over the narrative the national media wants us to believe? Or do we trust our own intelligence and common sense? We will see won't we?
     The candidates themselves are the next test for us to pass. We have one candidate that is speaking to her policy vision for the working middle poor class, which by the way is more than 90% of voting citizens. She is focused and clear about how she will activate her plan that includes all Americans. The other candidate is all over the place. he makes statements about the end result he will give us but does not explain how he is going to make that happen. Although he does tell us to trust him because he knows how business works. With 6 bankruptcies in his past and already 4 years he spent as president the only thing he accomplished legislatively was to give the wealthy a tax break. Again, we the electorate are being given an IQ test. Do we believe the policies that are explained to us or do we believe the words of the other who says he will do it without telling us how? We will see?
     Finally we the American electorate are being given a civics lesson about our own country. Do we know what democracy is and if so do we understand that it is the greatest form of self government ever formed into a working model? This IQ test is probably the most significant. Because if we the American electorate pass this test then the future of our democracy will be intact. If we don't pass this test then the present of our democracy will cease to exist. Instead a form of monarchy/autocracy/oligarchy will replace it. I know this sounds so unbelievable but if you listen to the one candidates words you hear him often speak about how he would never have to have another election because he would never have to give up his presidency. One person one vote will cease to exist. We will see the results of this IQ test beginning on Tuesday evening November 5, 2024.

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