Thursday, September 19, 2024

(#5709) Snap out of it! The threat of trump is real!

      This is not your ordinary presidential election. An insurrection was attempted the last time trump was defeated and he was serious then about overthrowing our democracy. He has not changed despite all the normalizing the press gives him to hide his abhorrent behavior. He is a deranged individual who has no regard for anything other than himself. He is a conman who will tell you anything you want to hear either in agreement or as a promise and then forget all about you once you commit to him. He hasn't changed one iota from the guy who fomented the insurrection and then watched it for hours while our Capitol Police were attacked and maimed. His followers were directed to disrupt the transfer of power going on in Congress that shocking day on January 6th, 2020.
     He has now since then been able to dodge his responsibilities for the insurrection through court delays and favorable supreme court decisions from his personally selected justices. So now the last hurdle for him to destroy our democracy comes down to the election on November 5th. We the people will decide if he gets to sit on a thrown from which he will not leave until his demise or we elect a true representative for all of us who will honor democratic values and the rule of law. This isn't that hard to figure out folks. One is a wannabe gangster who would be a king of America, and the other is a humble, whip smart, joyous soul who would tirelessly make people like trump answer for their actions.
     If you believe at all in democracy then you have one choice, Harris If you believe in tyranny then you have one choice, trump. My personal opinion is that my foreparents fought and died for democracy and I won't sully their reputation by voting for a man who would dismiss their sacrifice so that he can become a king. I won't do that! I expect that a large majority of we Americans will stand on the side of democracy and denounce the wannabe king trump. Tearing down our governmental institutions, that have served the majority of us well, especially for the working middle poor class to improve ourselves for a better future is nonsensical and self defeating. Which is why a vote for Harris is the only logical and commonsensical thing to do!

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