Monday, September 2, 2024

(#5692) This election is about democracy, nothing greater!

      The national press is still behind trump by not exposing his insurrection and anti democracy statements. They are silent on these grave matters even though the national media knows that if it were Harris who said what trump has said they would never stop hounding her over it as would be correct. It is clear that we Americans cannot rely on the national media for information that is vital to keeping our democracy. They seem to think they can parlay their allegiance to trump into something greater than what democracy affords them. Well they should be aware that trump has no allegiance to anything other than his own criminal activity so as soon as he uses up the national media for his gain he will dump them like so many others before them.
     We the people on the other hand need to remember what we already know, that trump is a scoundrel who will take our rights away so that he can become a king of America. Just knowing that is not enough it seems though. We have to ask ourselves if we really want our democracy. If we believe that all human beings are free individuals who are under the same jurisdiction of laws. Do we accept that the size, shape, color, and individuality of us is our right and greater than how any one group of people perceive us? Do we believe in democracy and are we willing to place that hallowed societal ideal above all others?
     This is the question every citizen must ask themselves, "do we believe in democracy?" Once answered then you will know which candidate to vote for. Vice President Harris is about defending democracy and spreading it out into the world everywhere possible. The republican party and trump in particular are about diminishing democracy so much that we won't need to ever have another vote again. The republican party is not about giving equal rights to everyone like we democrats as is clearly evident. Instead they are about taking rights away and forcing the majority of the working middle poor class into a peasant class where ruler trump can dictate what little bit of happiness anyone can have.

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