Sunday, September 1, 2024

(#5691) The working middle poor class, that is who America is!

      The wealthy have made sure that they are a class all unto their own. Their rules of exclusion and obstruction keeps their class of people limited to a small percentage of people. Meanwhile we the working middle poor class have nowhere to go but within our current parameters of struggle and unease. We keep adding to our ranks because the wealthy want it all for themselves and leave behind the great equalizer of fair competition. Our democracy in principle demands fair competition for all but not in practicality. The wealthy, who have been given tremendous influence through the political arm of the wealthy, the republican party, are against sharing the dream of American democracy.
     Here is the thing with the republican party being the front for the wealthy. They trot out their candidates who are just the carnival barkers and yes men of the wealthy who want power and riches beyond any ideal of fairness, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for all. They like being the center of attention which is why they have forsaken democracy for what is now in the open a autocratic form of government that gives them unlimited power and control. These yes men for the wealthy will say, or do, almost anything to take what is ours and make it into theirs. They have no conscious about guilt or remorse, they only have an agenda to succeed at what their wealthy handlers demand.
     I keep thinking about that image of a table top where the wealthy have all their life game chips on top of but when you look at what is holding up the table you see nothing but working people. When we the working people decide to tip the table over and scramble all the chips of the wealthy off the table is when we will have realized our power. We the working middle poor class are not only the strength and conviction of our nation but we are the stewards of it as well. We, at this particular time in the history of our democracy, must make a stand to defend it and evolve it more toward a perfect union, and not toward a chess game for the wealthy who use us as the sacrificial pawns in their corruptible self induced strategies.

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