Sunday, September 15, 2024

(#5705) Keep chipping away at trump's base

      I know it will not be a real successful attempt trying to get trump's base away from him but the edges of his base are worth fighting for. There is no way to get at the core of his base because trump cannot do anything wrong. They are so ingrained into how he thinks and acts that no logic, nor common sense will ever work to pry them away from voting for him. So the edges of his core where those who are not so woven into the fabric of his storytelling bubble are vulnerable to attempts at convincing otherwise. I feel like anyone who actually uses logic will be easier to convince about the foolishness of supporting him so the outer edges of his bubble are prime for aiming at.
     He seems consistently at around 45% of the voting electorate and chipping that down toward 40% would make a huge difference in the voting for not only the presidency but for control of Congress and state legislatures. There are 52 days left to attract the independent voters who lean right with arguments that hit them where they live. Pocketbook issues have always been an incentive to attract as well as social issues that balance law and order with protecting rights. The full gamut of ideas posed to attract the edges of trump's leaning voters is what we must analyze if we are to give democrats the best outcome in this coming election. We are hammering home trump's inability to be rational about all things and that helps with those edge voters but we need to do more.
     I would appeal to saving our democracy but it seems that the trump edge voters don't see that as an issue. Somehow giving away democracy is not as fearful to them. Which gives us an indication of the mindset they are presenting. They are more concerned about themselves and that has to be our focus for them if we are to sway them off the edges of voting for trump and onto the edges of voting for Harris. I know that Harris is working to attract them as her campaign has been all in for all Americans. But finding the trigger that gets them to move from the edges of trump to the edges of Harris is still not as clear as we need it to be if we are going to get trump down to or near 40%. 50 days left until the election so minds need to coalesce around whatever attractive solutions we can have for them.

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