Monday, September 16, 2024

(#5706) The dictators who back trump are all in to make him win the presidency

      Me even writing this seems flabbergasting. That a candidate for the American presidency is relying on and beholden to the worst dictators in the world is heretofore unheard of. This is beyond surreal it is a blatant attempt by an American citizen to overthrow democracy and install a puppet government backed by putin and his cohorts. That this race is even happening with trump as a candidate is mind blowing to me because he is such a vile decrepit individual. Yet the republican party has overlooked all his nefarious motives so that they can hope to share power with him. What the republican party does not understand is that they are just a vessel for him to attain what he wants, tyranny.
     The dictators around the world from putin to xi to un to maduro, they know that trump is their best bet at surviving and increasing their ambitions. Without trump, these dictators know that Harris will make them slither away and crawl back under their rocks. If they are lucky enough to survive the actions of democracy that will be coming their way. With trump, he will halt the forces of democracy and withdraw attempts to stop the tyrants from moving forward with their conquering ambitions. With 49 days left in this election the effort by these dictators to help trump win will increase to a level that is beyond desperation for them. They know that if trump fails to win in November they will likely find that they also will fail in the months and years ahead.
     With a Harris victory, trump and his dictator allies will again be forced to face the overpowering destiny of democracy. Our world is in need of democracy wherever tyranny is currently oppressing people. We who stand on the footing of democracy are not going to sit back and watch dictators manipulate our votes nor our will to succeed. We already have all the information we need for deciding what to do when our ballots come available and the effort by trump and his dictator backers to maneuver us to change our position is folly. The die has been cast in this election and although we democrats will not quit working to gain even more voters to protect democracy our resolve to keep it is beyond their ability to rip it from our even more greater clutching grip!

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