Monday, September 23, 2024

(#5713) Russia's demise before our eyes

      No matter what putin does to hide from the Russian people the hideous losses his invasion of Ukraine has caused Russia, the rest of the world is seeing in real time the devastation to a young generation of Russian society. To the mind of the tyrant putin it is okay because he thinks like this. The ones being sacrificed are not what he would consider the elite of his privileged society. His form of genocide within Russia is aimed at the ones he would, like trump, call the others. The ones who are not like him. That kind of sickness of mind is visual to the rest of us and it sickens me that the Russian society is so closed off to the information it needs to stop their tyrant from destroying the Russian people through racism, poverty, and creed.
     We here in America are in a current fight to protect our democracy from the evil of tyranny that is so prevalent in Russia. Our American creed is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness coupled with individual rights. Those of us who believe in democracy understand the stakes we face here in America in 43 days. What cannot be understood in Russia is objectivity. There is no fair and just system of reporting that can penetrate the propaganda putin is spewing non stop. The Russian people are not informed and keep sending their sons to the slaughter that the demented putin claims through his butchering narrative is some incomprehensible glorious necessity for the honor of Russia.
     Sadly this narrative of putin has no alternative thought that is allowed to be known so the Russian people keep supporting putin right up until they are eventually no more. It is a sad state we all find ourselves in that want to see the end of tyranny and the awakening of enlightenment. Where everyone gets to realize the truth of things without barriers to that learning. Where friendships and inclusion are the normal. A world where the best of what humanity is gets to reveal itself from everywhere on our planet. A world where the problems of hunger and being uneducated is not forced on anyone from birth to death. Our world, in the vision of democracy, is a place where everyone who wants to have a better life is free to earn it. That is what democracy is fighting for, all of us and all of our hopes and dreams.

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