Saturday, September 14, 2024

(#5704) Fighting against democracy is a fight against freedom

      There is no room in our democracy for inequality. None! We are in a battle right now to eliminate the last vestiges of inequality and that is our good fight. We hold to the principle that our union is in a constant state of perfecting itself. Moving toward the time when there is protected equality for all. There are other forces out there that do not believe in equality. They would rather divide our democracy and then replace it with some form of forced rule that demands a hierarchy that gives some more than others because of some biased point of view. These are the ones we are fighting against. They do not believe we are all born equal. They think they deserve more than others based upon some kind of gender/race privilege.
     So those who support the current republican party and plan to vote for their nominee are the ones we are fighting against. Many within the republican party are not our enemy but instead are misplaced and misguided by illogic. The forces that control narratives that support republicans are strong and convincing. So those we need to show care for in our attempts to express the importance of maintaining democracy. However there is a subset of republican voters who have decided to wear the crown of hatred and cruelty. They are the ones who need less mercy when we confront them. They have within themselves lost their humanity and instead have replaced it with a brutishness that is vile and dangerous. For those we need to be especially wary of and act appropriately when in their presence.
     We who fight for the equality and freedom that democracy demands, are left with the challenge of protecting and inspiring democracy everywhere it seeks to establish itself. Whether domestically such as what we are going through in this current election or overseas where others are also striving to attain such a magnificent form of government. We the people is more than a slogan, it is who we are. We determine our futures together and unite to protect that right to govern ourselves. We are not beholden to the whims of tyrants and strongmen who are more psychotic than human. Our democracy is precious and trying to take it from us is a mistake for those who would try. The values of equality, freedom, justice, and fairness are what makes our democracy so strong so beware those who cannot find it within themselves to help us protect it.

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