Thursday, September 12, 2024

(#5702) The day is brighter

      Since the debate on Tuesday evening I have had a refreshing of my soul. I am no longer in any doubt as to who will win our presidency on November 5th. Vice President Harris is the clear leader and with only 8 days until the first states start their early voting the time for anything of any consequence to happen has narrowed down to little. The monthly jobs report came in at the beginning of the month and it was steady. The debate took place and it was a Harris triumph so that is behind us now. The inflation rate is at 2.5% which is a victory for the Biden/Harris economic agenda. All told the factors that could have swayed this race for president into less certainty did not happen.
     The comfort I am feeling over the health of our democracy is increasing. That in itself is enough to make me see the world as a desire and not a drudgery. But what will happen for Ukraine is now a positive in my mind since the torch of protecting Ukraine is passing from current President Biden to his successor Kamala Harris. It is not a certainty for sure but it is more likely than not especially since none of us Harris supporters are taking anything for granted. We are steadfast in our focus over these last 54 days until the general election for all 50 states commences. But knowing that we have passed some major hurdles in this race gives us pause enough to catch our breath and feel good even if for just a moment.
     I see what the aftermath of the debate did to cretin republican candidate and it is something to behold. He has gone from his arrogant boastful self to a quivering shell of a demented soul. He makes little sense as it seems Vice President Harris has ripped from him the last vestiges of his confidence. She cleaned his clock so to speak at the debate and he no longer commands the attention with any wisdom or insight. He is exposed as a charlatan of confusion and self importance with no further pathway to fool anyone beyond his base. His only chance was to win the debate and he perfectly squandered that. As the days wind down until the election my soul is well and so is my attitude toward our American experiment continuing with no further terrifying interruptions from a crumbling desolate soul.

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