Saturday, September 21, 2024

(#5711) Mississippi, Vermont and Virginia have started their early voting

      We now have 5 states, Minnesota, Mississippi, South Dakota, Vermont, and Virginia where those who live there can get their votes locked in. Those who have made up their minds and are able to cast their ballots and have them compiled ready for counting on election day, feel a sense of accomplishment. The beauty of the early voting system is that those who are working or away on election day are able to have an alternative way to make sure their valuable vote is cast. Making voting easier for our electorate should be the normal and with early voting it is becoming easier. There are some states like Alabama and New Hampshire who offer no early voting, while some counties in Utah, and some counties in Pennsylvania, that do not offer early voting.
     These 4 states that do not offer early voting, wholly or partly, need to upgrade their voting options to account for difficulties the voting electorate may have in order to vote only on a specific day. If we have learned anything from how our nation votes in national general elections it is that making the voting process easier and more convenient for our citizens gives all of us the most open democracy in the world. When all of us participate we all feel part of what our present and future holds for us. I actually love this early voting time because there is so much opportunity for all of us to share what we think is the best leadership and policies for us through our vote. Our vote is our promise to the future that we are all in for evolving our nation toward that more perfect union and for that I am proud to say I am privileged to be part of our great democracy.
    When my state activates its early voting options I will be using that as my way of casting my ballot. I am just one person but I do have a voice and I will gladly add my vote to all of the others and then on election day, after the voting hours are officially over, I will watch the votes that are beginning to be counted start to come in. For me election day, on the first Tuesday of November which this year falls on November 5th, should always be a holiday. The anticipation of how our national elections are performed is a civics lesson all should be able to learn from. Taking time off from our busy schedules to focus on how our democracy works is a value to every citizen and gives them the satisfaction of knowing how our democracy functions in real time.

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