Tuesday, September 17, 2024

(#5707) Even though trump can distract, he can't change who he is

      We know the trump playbook. When the news cycle is not in his favor he manufactures an event to change the news cycle in hopes of gaining a positive advantage. He is not catching anyone unawares with his ploys. We know who he is and that in itself is enough to keep us centered about anything the news cycle creates. He is still the worst of what a human can be and nothing yet has changed that. He is so enamored of himself that there is little room for anything else in his head. He lives in a fantasy world where he is always the star and everyone else is a second rate actor. Occasionally he is reminded by his master putin that he is beholden to him but that still doesn't dissuade trump from dreaming of his own crown someday soon.
     So let the news cycle change as the media is like a puppet, easily maneuvered by pulling their strings. But those of us who are not amused nor happy about the media we know who trump is and no amount of change of narrative will ever change that. He is not our choice for president, Kamala Harris is. She fights for us not against us. She fights for our democracy and he doesn't. She wants all of us to pursue our dreams while doing no harm and he is the exact opposite. The fundamentals of life are being protected with Harris while the fundamentals of life are being disintegrated by trump. There really is very little overlap in policies with these two candidates so being confused by anything trump tries to manufacture in disrupting the news cycle is fruitless.
     With 48 days left until the general election for all states to vote, there is no surprise big enough to sway us from our mission to elect as the 47th president of the United States, Kamala Harris. We know the media has failed us in that they do not call out trump's insurrection less than 4 years ago. They do not call out his agenda to make himself king of America, while disposing of our democracy and our one person one vote. They have utterly failed to tell the truth of what a trump presidency would do to the working middle poor class. So regardless of what happens in the news cycle the rest of us thinking Americans are just biding our time until we can fill out our ballots and have our votes counted for Kamala Harris.

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