Wednesday, September 18, 2024

(#5708) No let up against trump

      47 days and some hours until the election. tomorrow Minnesota and South Dakota begin their early voting and the day after tomorrow Mississippi, Vermont, and Virginia begin their early voting. We are at the cusp of casting votes so there is no time for lollygagging about when so much is at stake. I cannot reiterate this enough just how important it is to our collective futures the jeopardy that democracy is in. With a trump victory the history of our nation will change. We will no longer be a nation of one person one vote. We have already been told by trump that we will never have to vote again because there will be no need. He wants to be our dictator as he has plainly made clear.
     If elected he will become like his personal heroes, a tyrant with unlimited power to demand others obey him with force when needed. He is a deranged individual with a narcissistic complex that towers over all his other traits. He is also unrestrained in his personal behavior so much so that the rules of decency and honor are only for fools, not for him and his privileged bootlickers. Which is why we must be vigilant in our countdown to the election. He will do or say anything that gives him an edge wherever he can see an opportunity. So us being on top of his every action is critical to calling it out or stamping it out as we are able.
     Our democratic candidate is a solid forward looking candidate who is all in to save our democracy. There is enough there to kindle a resurgence toward enthusiasm for her that is welcome at this moment in time. This enthusiasm is needed as all of us have to get on the same page and not only elect our candidate but to elect our down ballot candidates as well. We need to get things done from the get go so giving soon to be President Harris a Congress of democratic majorities and state legislatures is crucial to shoring up our democracy while giving all of us citizens the opportunity to pursue our own dreams without doing harm. The fact that trump is such a threat though should be on our minds constantly as we approach our voting day.

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