Tuesday, September 24, 2024

(#5714) I still feel the blue wave election coming!

      It is a gut thing. All my instincts are telling me that people are not amused nor enamored of trump enough to let him back into the oval office. He is a threat to not only our working middle poor class but to our democracy. Which is why it makes no sense what the media is trying to tell us that this race is close. It isn't close. But that is my intuition which I cannot say is absolute. However I trust my gut. Regardless of suspect media and their mouthpieces, I keep focused on what is important. Getting the vote out for our democratic candidates and echoing our policies that are actually helpful to our working middle poor class.
     What the cruel republican party offers is help for the wealthy so that their trickle down economic theory can be proven once again to be a sham. The republicans don't care about the truth of that they only care about the funding from the wealthy to keep the dishonest narrative of trickle down alive. I cannot get past the absurdity of the republican position which goes a long way toward fueling my gut instinct. Mostly though the attack on our democracy by republicans who would have us elect a criminal and insurrectionist as president who wants to be a king, and a blueprint for our future, project 2025, that is despised by almost everyone who is aware of it.
     What we democrats want is equal representation for all Americans. We want to help the working middle poor class catch up with opportunities the wealthy have hogged for generations. We want the ideal of the pursuit of happiness while doing no harm to be a real goal for all not just for some. We democrats believe that all who are American citizens of all races and creeds need to have ease of access to the ballot box, to the autonomy of their own bodies, and the freedom to choose who they love without fear of reprisal. Honoring democratic values is the hallmark of a thriving healthy society that is enviable to all the other people on this planet. Helping them achieve what we are striving to achieve is the manifest destiny of humanity and should be the highest priority for all who would honor the sacrifice our foreparents fought and died to attain!

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