Saturday, September 28, 2024

(#5718) Harris and Ukraine are intertwined to victory

     Ukraine needs Harris much more than Harris needs Ukraine in a political sense but that isn't how Harris rolls. Surely we know that trump, if victorious in November, will immediately betray Ukraine for favors from Russia's putin. We know this because trump has said so numerous times. With a Harris victory the Ukraine defense and subsequent counterattack offensive will occur with a mighty force. Although Harris doesn't need Ukraine in order to win in November, her soul and spirit is with democracy and democracy is what Ukraine is fighting to preserve. Harris is a patriot of the highest order. You can tell by her policy positions on most everything that has anything to do with protecting ideals that enhance democracy and promote democracy where it previously didn't exist.
     Ukraine knows that without Harris the effort to mount a solid defense and empower a counter offensive is impossible. The trump doctrine is to cede Ukraine to putin, period! It has to be difficult for the president of Ukraine to have to be in such a position which doesn't give him an opportunity to help decide our election but that is why he is an honorable man. He is siding with Americans to protect their own democracy and then help him protect his. The outcome of this election is enormous to Ukraine and anything less than a Harris presidency will certainly mean a death knell on the heads of Ukrainians. Which is why all of us who are for protecting our democracy have a necessary need with siding with Ukraine to help rid the world of a tyrannical murderer who hates democracy!
     Dr. Martin Luther King spoke this, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”. This simple statement is so powerful and inspiring in that I can feel the weight of its truth. Which in this coming election gives me great hope that not only will Harris win the presidency, but Ukraine will defeat putin by ousting Russia from its land. I am not just being predictive, I am feeling this in my bones. All with the caution of knowing what happened in 2016 when I went into that election night with confidence that Hillary would win. This is not like that. I have not felt certain about a lot of this but in my gut I know Harris and Ukraine are on the right side of history and no one is being caught unawares like the many of were from 2016.

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