Friday, September 6, 2024

(#5696) Who is better than democrats at the economy? No one!

      During the four years trump was our appointed president he lost around 2.7 million jobs total over his four years. The Biden/Harris administration so far in less than 4 years has already created around 16 million jobs. The unemployment rate has been down for the last 2 years at about 4%. To think that the media is not slamming trump for claiming he had the best economy during his time as president as a bald faced lie. Yet the media is unable to fact check him on his claims. Well here are my fact check links:
     The trump claim that he is an economic wizard is belied by the fact that he himself had filed for bankruptcy 6 times previously. It doesn't take a genius to realize that trump is a boastful man about things that are not true if it makes him look good. We have seen it over and over. His propensity to brag about things that others do as his own is also well documented. Why the national media continues to give him a pass on his absurd lies and claims is telling and does more than suggest that they are all in for him to win the presidency even if they must cover up his disingenuous statements and outright lies.
     But the national media saide for now, let us focus on the actual economic policies trump has enacted. Oh wait, there is only one and that was tax cuts for the wealthy. The old failed trickle down concept that for the last more than forty years has proven to be a failed policy. Very little trickles down from the wealthy as they hoard more wealth than they will ever need while the rest of us are getting poorer and poorer. We democrats believe that the economy will expand from the center out and the bottom up, Not from the top down! The more we hammer home this point the less the propaganda of republican talking points, about their false narrative of them being good at the economy, will survive.

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