Wednesday, September 11, 2024

(#5701) Democracy triumphed at the debate last night

      I must admit, we who love democracy to our cores were feeling a bit anxious about the outcome of the debate last night. The reason being so much was at stake for just one debate in the moment. I have always perceived democracy as the greatest form of species rule to have ever been imagined and implemented. So for a 90 minute debate between our defender of democracy and a cretin who would be king, not knowing the outcome was at least uneasy for me. I was confident in our defender but not sure how the cretin wanna be king would undermine logic and common sense to spoil things.
     But our defender, Vice President Harris, was head and shoulders above the cretin so much so that she made him uneasy and anxious from the very first moment. Any tricks or bad manners on his part were nullified by her attention to detail and the thrust of her comments about him. The debate was maneuvered by Harris toward policy and not toward his lies and bullying. On policy we Democrats are on the correct side of history. So as she tallied the tasks ahead of us with resolve to change for the better, he got lost in the weeds of defending himself with absurdity. It was a unique outcome that few thought Harris could transform but transform she did with almost flawless technique.
     I slept well last night knowing that for at least another day our democracy is thriving instead of in the throes of dying. That was the point last night. Harris is about bringing even more to our democracy and the cretin is about ending our democracy. Democracy won last night! With 55 days left until election day and 9 days until Minnesota and South Dakota start their early voting, the outcome of this debate was crucial within this time frame. As an added bonus, last night Taylor Swift announced her endorsement of Vice President Harris and this morning Caitlin Clark did the same. Two very strong powerful young women celebrities who will bring with them their followers by the droves. Democracy won last night and is still winning today!

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