Wednesday, September 4, 2024

(#5694) If you defend republicans you lose me

      I have one simple rule. If you even try to defend republican politics to me I will leave. I have zero time for arguing with anyone the depravity that is republican politics. First most all of it divides us. From the those people, women aren't equal to men, or the illegals, to the blacks, and so on I have no time for any conversation with those clauses in it. We are all in this together, yes even those who are seeking asylum. Our broken immigration system could have had a real good start at a fix but trump convinced the republican Senate that they needed to vote against the border bill they co-authored so trump could have a broken immigration system to blame on democrats for an election wedge issue.
     Think about that for a moment. Much like nixon keeping the Vietnam War going so he could have an issue to campaign on against the democrats in 1968. The same strategy for trump now. Keep the border as an issue and blame democrats for not fixing it. The worst of this is trump and his nefarious motive, but not far behind are the people who vote for him who do not see his subversive acts. They seem oblivious to reality and those are his base. I am an American yet I feel out of place when I use knowledge, facts, and truths, to conclude what is going on. It is like I need to just go along with the loudest most dishonest person to fit in. Well I am not that guy and neither should anyone else be.
    As a person I value who I have evolved into. Yes, my earlier self was not as well informed as I am now. But I have always been able to spot the bafflement of bullshit that republicans attempt to pass off as persuasive. Which has kept me secure as a democratic voter. Sure we democrats are not pitch perfect nor will we ever be. But our differences or wrongdoings are infinitesimal compared to the hourly conjuring of lies and absurdities that the republican party is trying to fill our minds with. My gut tells me that republicans as a political party are irredeemable. They are incapable of being honest and will continue to be corruptible. Which I imagine that others who are like me discern as well. So don't tell me that republicans are on the correct side of history because you will lose me for for that illogical lie.

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