Monday, September 30, 2024

(#5720) September is finally ending and October will set the stage for our election

      As of today, there are 36 days left until our election. 31 days in October and the 5th day of November. It is quickly approaching after what seems like several years of campaigning. We here in the States need to do something about shortening our elections to a couple of months instead of a couple of years. It all gets so tiring and redundant. I can understand why some would just tune out the elections because our elections bore us to no end. Yet despite that we are faced with consequences that are not to be dismissed! My whole lifetime of supporting democrats has been because they are closer in ideology and policy to humane treatment and respect of our citizenry that republicans ever have been.
     The republican party is not about all of us just the wealthy for the most part. They do not adhere to the principle of free will as a rule. They would rather tell others what to do and then punish them if they don't do it. That is not democracy that is authoritarianism. Throughout history tyranny has been measured against democracy and has always come up short. There is no enthusiasm for feeling like cattle. There is enthusiasm for having the reigns over your own life. It really is that simple. Either be told what to think and do or learn how to do that for yourself. It seems that thinking for yourself is popular among the majority of us but unfortunately there are too many who would be happy being cattle.
     I will never understand those who feel the need to be led around by some person who claims domination over the free will of others. It is a malady that escapes my experience. The logic that exists in my mind will never allow me to not think for myself. I guess I am selfish in that respect. I want to live life as me and not in abeyance to someone who tells me who I am and what I can or can't do. For the next 31 days in October and the five more in November before our election we will get to know who wants us to think for ourselves and who wants to think for us. That is on the ballot. You know who is whom in this scenario so vote accordingly and then know you are either your own or someone else's.

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