Saturday, September 7, 2024

(#5697) It is wonderful being around people who do good things

      This is what life is all about for me now anyway. Being around good people accomplishing things we will always be proud of. Not just for ourselves either. When things can be done for ourselves that overlap into things that positively affect others then it is doubly satisfying. I am no extrovert, because I am well satisfied being in the background where I can be at ease but also ready to join in when the need arises. Kind of like a reserve who is prepared for many things. So when my day has all kinds of activities that are getting taken care of then is when I know my life is good and those around me get to share in that good.
     I have some selfish bones in my body and if they are recognized for any guilt, then I make sure that the selfish within me does not get to produce an outcome. Instead I stifle that selfishness and figure a different way to make that selfish feeling into a selfless one. I am only a human being so evolving from the antiquity of our formative survival instincts toward being a modern wise man takes a process that needs to be streamlined and efficient. In no universe am I perfect but I am working on myself to be as perfect in my thoughts and actions as I am able to be honorable, ethical, and logical. Being around good people who are like minded in being selfless and giving is an antidote I covet in traveling that journey of always working on being more perfect, than imperfect and disappointing.
     We used to call the beginning of our work journey's the rat race. Not a nice definition but often it seemed just that. Scurrying along in a maze trying to get ahead and losing ourselves in that endeavor. I haven't had that desire nor will I ever. I was one who was comfortable being just me and surviving to help others when possible. I had no desire for accolade or ambition at all costs. I wanted to take care of myself and when able give help to others. My life has followed that form and as I am now in the last year of my sixties I feel grateful for my approach. I am not burdened by whatever it would have took to achieve a lesser goal in my mind. I am content with a happiness that keeps finding my face when that smile of mine appears. :)

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