Sunday, September 8, 2024

(#5698) Quit blaming the poor for how the wealthy make them poor!

      I still run across folks who seem to think the poor are trying too hard to live above their means. In essence they are saying to the poor live within your means. I look at that and shake my head. Generally the poor are good people who live in a world where their efforts bring them little while the cost of things are much. So they are in a constant state of struggle to not only provide basic necessities, of which they can never provide even that sufficiently, while trying to give their children more opportunity through getting them enough technology or in style clothing to hopefully allow them to advance beyond poverty. Those who look at the poor and say why do you have a nice thing when you have no food?
     Mostly because if we didn't do something nice for ourselves once in a while our minds would go deeper into depression like attitudes. The poor are mainly poor because the wealthy prefer to hoard the wealth to themselves. I say it must be easy to pick on the poor for wanting something nice in their lives than to pick on the wealthy who are causing the poor to remain poor. I see that dishonesty in approach and it disgusts me. There is no logical purpose for the wealthy to keep greedily yearning for more wealth when the majority of people on our planet are poor. How the wealthy can disconnect from this fact and do little to nothing to change it is really outside my ability to reconcile logically or ethically.
     In a more perfect world we all would be focusing on people and how people need to exist instead of on ourselves and how we lust for more than we need. I say lust because it seems there is an insatiable desire for more wealth by the wealthy. Look at the ones who support the republican party. They are the wealthy who are looking for more tax breaks even though they could never spend their wealth now in their lifetimes. What kind of allure other than lust could do that to a human being? All the while the poor are in a day to day struggle to have basic necessities and an occasional trinket of happiness. This existence where the wealthy hoard and the majority of poor suffer is bad enough without someone saying that the poor should live within their means and then scoff at them when they step outside their means for a moment of not feeling the shame of not having enough!

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