Sunday, September 22, 2024

(#5712) Illinois begins early voting in 4 days.

      5 early voting states have begun and in 4 days Illinois will make it 6. The early voting time for me is like a really special Christmas. The days counting down to the actual election day is so much fun for me. Each day either adds another state(s) to the early voting list or brings us another day closer to adding more states. For me it is win/win. I guess I feel this way because the momentum of this election is favoring democracy and that is the side I will fight to either live or die on. Democracy is the greatest governmental system for individual rights and freedoms the world has ever known and will always will be.
     So protecting democracy is without a doubt my main issue. I happen to agree with democrats on many policies issues, certainly not all but given that republicans want to erode democracy to give trump a kings crown and their policies such as they are only benefitting the ultra wealthy, I will pass on their agenda. More than pass actually I will fight with all my might to protect against their agenda. Which further adds to my passion for the early voting time. We, who are like me, are getting our votes collected so that when the counting time comes on November 5th we will already have our votes cast. The more of us who find time to vote the better the outcome will be for democracy.
     We democrats, independents, and some republicans know that protecting our democracy is greater than any loyalty to a political party. When the vast majority of us vote the forces for tyranny will be left with no chance at victory. That is what we democracy loving voters must do! Crush the forces of insurrection and sedition with an overwhelming vote in favor of democracy, led by Vice President Harris, all the way down the ballot. Some may feel anxious about this voting time but I say the feeling I have is powerful and determined. I actually feel good about this time because in my heart and soul I know that Americans are stronger than the weaklings who keep putting our country down!

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