Friday, September 20, 2024

(#5710) Minnesota and South Dakota will have official election ballots today

      It is 46 days until the election and many absentee voters in Minnesota and South Dakota will be officially filling out their ballots. The early voting season has begun. Tomorrow many absentee voters in Mississippi, Vermont, and Virginia likewise will be officially filling out their early ballots. For these folks the casting of their votes on their ballots represents their choices about these two candidates. There is not much the same between the two as they are at polar ends of desires. Like as a priority, between Harris, who is trying to save democracy, and trump, who is trying to turn our democracy into a kingdom for himself. Everything else is important but nowhere near as this one difference between these two.
     When Harris is elected the same foundation from which we all view our futures will remain and although not perfect our view will include all of us as to working on better solutions. It will not be the same with trump. He will take the right of all of us to be part of our government and instead install himself as the sole arbiter of what is right and wrong. He wants to be a king and his goal is to do just that. 248 years of being a democracy will end in America and the rule of a tyrant trump will begin. I and others have been saying this for as long as we have had trump on the political stage but the time for it to actually happen is if this time you give your vote to trump, essentially saying democracy is over.
      With a Harris vote democracy continues. It is that simple. Now you may think this is still embellishment or hyperbole but I say you are being naive. The words of trump are not in a vacuum. They are out there for all to research and understand. I am only going off what trump has said and you would be wise to do the same. Democracy is the greatest form of government ever devised by humankind so anything different like trump wanting to be a king for life and the tyranny that brings, is a step back from enlightenment and into the dark ages. We humans are capable of so much more than restricting ourselves through biases like color, gender, and illogic. Harris will bring out the best in us while trump will shame us and deter us from our true manifest destiny to be the best humans we can be.

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