Thursday, September 5, 2024

(#5695) This could well be a blue wave election of enormous size

      After the cautionary tale of the 2016 election it is absurd to think that anyone knows what is coming in this election. Yet the tide has turned toward Vice President Harris in a remarkable way. Independents and even republicans are heralding her as the best choice. I don't hear any democrats doing the same for trump. Kamala Harris has already reinvigorated the entire democratic base and is now adding to it with independents and republicans who wish to see the end of trump from our politics. Those who are not democrats realize the danger of trump, inserting himself with a win, as a dictator. This is not an embellished opinion. It is based upon his own words.
     So instead of following along party lines, a lot of republicans are either going to not vote or to vote for Harris. With independents it is the same. They want some sanity in our politics and they are seeing first hand that trump is not that option. Everytime trump has some kind of press conference or rally the words are always similar in tone and effect. He hates that Harris is now more favored to win the presidency than he is and his ad hominems aimed at her are getting more vicious. He does not offer policies with details only generalized statements that are subject to reversal given his mood and the nature of the political moment. he is a wavering candidate who has little to offer but bombast and accusation.
     All the above factors play into the narrative that voters are really getting or are already tired of his act. His moment has passed and yet he hangs on with a desperation that is coming full circle. His run for the presidency is a way for him to delay his coming sentencing for his guilt in crimes he was adjudicated and found to be committed by a jury of his peers. With Harris there is no corruptible past to consider. She is a model of respect for the process of law and order. With trump there is the opposite. A model for what corruption and disregard for the rule of law looks like. The end of this campaign for president is nearing and the votes will begin to come in shortly. What we may well find is an avalanche of a blue wave for Harris and a reckoning awaiting trump for his self serving choices.

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