Monday, September 9, 2024

(#5699) We need a public forum twitter/facebook type communication option

      The idea that capitalism is the end all for everything is ridiculous. Free speech is more important than the platform's ability to control and monetize our words to each other. In a public forum where we are free from the subjectivity of private ownerships who wish to alienate anything that isn't of their personal point of view we can discuss and evaluate our ideas without incoherent censorship. I blame most of this on the owners of the platforms twitter and facebook because they are trying in their way to sway people to their point of view through blocking free speech in the guise of some algorithm that they say protects free speech. I call bullshit in that obstructing differing opinions on subjects is not protecting free speech!
     The ideal of free interchange of ideas and opinions is what makes up the essence of our democracy. We the people can only best guide our nation forward when we have that free interchange with each other that is not maneuvered and manipulated by those who would restrict we the people to favor their own misguided approach of them knowing better than we the people. Democracy will survive but only if we keep the tyrannical from denying our right to speak to each other. Internet platforms of speech for communication of ideas is a national right that should be left out of the hands of the private industry. We need a public only platform that is not guided by individuals who have other designs on our speech.
     I would rather we use the Internet much like we used public libraries in the past. A place where we can go to have discourse and enlightenment to our betterment. The laws that govern free speech would still be in effect but what we would be freed from are the constant illogical arbitrary decisions by the private platform owners who deem themselves the filter through which our free speech may travel. I wouldn't trust any one or more billionaire(s) to define my rights with their uneven grasp of reality. Most of us are not billionaires thus our perspectives are much more earthy than their privileged bubble. We need a public Internet speech platform that enhances dialogue instead of trying to control it!

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