Friday, September 13, 2024

(#5703) trump still has no answer for Harris

      President Joe Biden was magnificent in his timing to have himself replaced on the Democratic ticket. He waited until the republicans had their earlier convention, then without a doubt heralded Vice President Kamala Harris as his unequivocal replacement. What this did was coalesce Democratic support for Harris almost immediately and the momentum has been reinforcing and growing ever since. As such trump was caught with his metaphorical pants down. What trump thought was that Biden was going to be the nominee and trump strategists had a battle plan to disparage Biden all the way to the election of himself as the president. But instead, trump and his allies have yet to figure out a battle plan against Harris who is evidently without any faults for trump to capitalize on.
     Furthermore Harris is not silent on trump. As trump had used Biden as a bit of a punching bag, he is unable to do the same to Harris. She actually gives more than trump can take so his attacks on her hurt him in ways he is unfamiliar with in how to defend against. She reminds me of ex President Barack Obama in how he was able to chastise trump while being dignified about it. Make no mistake about the way Harris, who speaks directly and thoroughly with facts and truths about him, is to the point and pulls no punches. She understands the necessity of forcing facts and truths to the forefront otherwise those facts and truths are left unexpressed and unaddressed.
     Some early mail in voting ballots have already been received by our electorate so as trump remains clueless in how to defend himself against Harris, votes are being cast. The time is almost over for trump and while he is still technically in this race it is not because he has any momentum. In fact Harris has the momentum and in all likelihood is better positioned to overwhelm trump in this election unless he can find some way to turn the tide coming in at him back at Harris. With 53 days left until election day, the time is short while trump is still floundering. All this adds up to is an advantage for Harris to keep applying pressure with get out the vote organizing and unending rallies to keep her faithful fully engaged. As trump is stupefied at this juncture, the moment keeps slipping further and further away from him.

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